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But it's not a requirement that you listen to it.
Calm your mind. This is a safe space. Let us keep it that way.


Last Update: March 16, 2024 @ 1:15 PM EDT

Taken by Cherry - @crimson__raven - Perfect Cherry Blossom
so don't ask to be my partner, or else I'm gonna bonk you.
Even apart, matching pfps or not, we'll be together forever
A council of three individuals, working for everyone's best interests.
Heterosexual male, internet furry. Roman Catholic.
If this offends you, we don't care!
Thanks for dropping by. I'm Catz, a male VTuber just trying to get by with his life on this chaotic virtual plane of existence that we call the internet while also attending online college and maintaining his hobbies.Since you're here, it's probably best that you read my "Boundaries" section of this page, just so you have an idea of what my general limits are. Respect my limits and I'll respect yours.If I had to give you one piece of advice, it'd be this. After playing OneShot, Niko taught me that nothing built will last forever. Our lives, friendships, and other creations are not eternal. To put it simply, you only have one shot. I owe something to him, but I'm not sure what. So, with what time we have in our "one shot," let's get to know each other better before the end.If you'd like to see a full list of my presences within this cyberspace, check the "Project Directory" section of this page.Thank you for reading, and I hope we can properly meet within this virtual space one day. I look forward to our travels, should we ever embark on a journey together.

Typical hours of availability:
Sundays: 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Mon-Fri: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Saturdays: 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
All times shown here are in EST/EDT, and will be subject to change on a day to day basis.I have the same schedule as a Sunday on most US federal holidays.

Looking for someone else?


Sometimes you just gotta set some limits.

  • Please respect my site. It's linked on the start page.

  • Please don't ask me for any personal information, I might just straight-up block you immediately.

  • 90% of the time, I'm busy with one of my hobby projects or I'm hanging out with friends. Please, PLEASE don't just say "hello" in my DMs. More info:

  • Don't ask to ask, just ask. More info:

  • If you somehow know what my real name is, please never refer to me by that name unless we are in private. I'd like to be called "Catz" on the internet. "The Feline Overlord" is also acceptable.

  • Unless it is important, do not ever proxy messages for anyone to me. I will ignore them and probably tell you to go f@&$ yourself. If people want to talk with me, I expect them to do so directly. If they're blocked, tough luck, that means I don't like them.

  • Even if I'm playing as a female character in a videogame, my personal pronouns are he/him and I would like to be referred to as such. You may use the pronouns she/her to refer to whatever female character I'm playing as however, it's fine to do that.

  • Please try to minimize swearing around me, as I am also trying to cut down on swearing and it doesn't help if others around me are doing it.

  • If you're going to talk about NSFW content, please try not to directly involve me in it.

  • Please don't ever ship me with anyone (even as a joke) unless I actually say I'm okay with the ship. A noteworthy exception is shipping me and Cherry, but please don't do so excessively.

  • Please don't discuss anything political within my presence. I am not comfortable discussing the subject online, because we all know how that goes.

  • Don't invite me to your ERP session. I shouldn't have to keep telling people this, much less include it within these boundaries.

  • Don't send hate to anyone on my behalf. If you either currently are or already have previously done this, go f@&$ yourself.

  • If you're going to be nice to me while also actively being an a$&@#le to others around me, also go f@&$ yourself.

  • No, I'm not giving you admin in Rooms: Found Footage, stop asking.

TL;DR: Don't be a dick. Thank you.


I have many places where I have chosen to make my home...well, not really home, but the closest thing to it, at least. You can find those places here.


The story occurs in an alternate reality running parallel to our own, where what was once believed to be a simple war between two factions was unveiled to be a far more sinister plot for total domination.It's my belief that this is my most ambitious project that I have currently undertaken, even if not the most successful.Current status: Development active.Oh, while you're here... have fun.

This project has multiple Roblox games associated with it.
Our modded Minecraft server is currently down due to technical difficulties.


A benevolent alien race descends to Earth and offers their technologies to the people, uplifting them to a higher power within the galactic scale. But not all of humanity seeks to welcome the Nexus Expanse into their society with open arms.Current status: Development temporarily suspended.


A miscellaneous solo development project exploring a horror genre I haven't yet tried before.Inspired by Nicorocks1000's "Rooms", take control of an unfortunate individual whose last moments have been preserved inside a tape of recovered footage from an office building in [REDACTED], United States....At least, that is what it seems. But something isn't right that's been hidden from outside eyes.Follow the development in my main Discord server, Catz's Public Sector.Current status: Development active.

Noteworthy QUOTES

I find myself sometimes agreeing with some other people's words of wisdom. Sometimes. Here's those people.

“The world wants to have heroes, but it needs villains to do what heroes can’t”
-- YouTube comment

"In each of us is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams, and tells us how different he sees us from the way we see ourselves."
-- Carl Jung

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-- Horace Jackson Brown Jr., P.S I Love You

"I am with you always, unto the end of the age."
-- Jesus Christ

"Have fun,"
-- Arsi "Hakita" Patala, ULTRAKILL (P-2 Tip of the Day)

"Goodbye, Niko."
-- Catz